Developing the Raupo Block

From the head of the big pond in the damsite block overlooking the half acre paddock of the raupo block before developing the raupo swamp (January 2012).

Raupo swamp ponds completed, viewed from the head of the big pond of the damsite block (February 2012).

Tim Luttrell with digger finishing off the track around the raupo swamp

The raupo block boundary fence is a continuation from the culling block; at the far end it intersects with the Weka Stree drain fence.

A small dirt bridge divides the raupo pond so that water will back up the pond to the inlet without having to have a high head at the far end of the pond..

Looking back towards the culling block; the inflow to the swamp is by culvert where the RTV is on the track going up to the head of the big pond..

Peekaboo. An early visitor to the raupo swamp, a white-faced heron.

From the track along the head of the big pond damsite block.

A 2-seater seat is available to look at the raupo swamp placed on the track along the head of the big pond damsite block.

It will take time for the raupo to develop, but one day the view from here should show complete raupo coverage, hopefully attracting different interesting
wildlife in this new habitat. The raupo will filter the water as it travels through the swamp and exits to the right via the Weka Street drain to the Pohangina River.

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