Pohangina Wetlands Development Trustee Liz Grant has prepared a drawing of the Pohangina Wetlands that has been published as an illustration on the front cover of the “New Zealand Journal of Ecology” Volume 33 No. 1, 2009, published by the New Zealand Ecological Society. The illustration is documented on the inside cover by Matt S. McGlone, Landcare Research, Lincoln, NZ and reads: “Pohangina Wetlands. Pohangina Wetlands Development is a private initiative begun in 2000 to create a wetland habitat of c. 6ha out of remnant kahikatea forest stands in low-lying wet farmland. A key feature of the development is the creation of numerous ponds and waterways, planting of indigenous wetland species and provision of public walkways. Similar wetland restorations that give equal emphasis to bird numbers, plant biodiversity and recreational values, rather than strict historical verisimilitude, are likely to become common. Coincidentally, Pohangina Valley is where Neville Moar, who has contributed so much to the understanding of New Zealand wetland history, grew up. See McGlone in this issue.” |
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